Saturday, December 1, 2012

Sleep Cycle

Dear Friend, 

Think about how you feel when you first wake up. You either want to throw your alarm clock across the room and curl back up in bed or you feel fully rested and ready to conquer whatever the day has in store for you. Wouldn't it be great to find a way to start each day feeling wide awake? Well, if you keep reading, you'll find out how. 

If you have a smart phone, you're in luck! The app, "Sleep Cycle," is one worth buying if you would like to wake up feeling rested. Each night, you go through different states of sleep, from deep sleep to light sleep. This app is able to sense your movement at night to determine the different sleeping states you are in every hour. By doing this, it is able to wake you up during your lightest sleeping state so that you feel most relaxed. Before you go to bed, you select a time frame (half an hour is recommended) in which Sleep Cycle can wake you up. For example, if you choose 6:30 to 7:00 a.m, Sleep Cycle will wake you up during your lightest sleeping state in that time frame. In addition, you are able to choose from a variety of alarm tones to wake you up. You can choose anything from "Warm breeze" to "Sunrise" to "December moon." Just by their names you can already tell that each one is so super soothing. Also, after you wake up, you can view some statistics from the previous night. You can see how long you were in bed, when you were in deep vs. light sleeping states, and your overall sleep quality compared to other nights. 

We highly recommend this app! 

"There is a time for many words, and there is also a time for sleep." -Homer, The Odyssey

Yours truly,
Kylie and Catherine  

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