Monday, November 26, 2012

Collecting Moments

Dear Friend,

Have you ever thought about time traveling? It has crossed our minds numerous times. We know that a lot of people view time traveling as a chance to change something in the past in hope of changing the future. This would be a great opportunity for people to get "redos," fix their mistakes, and turn their life into one without regrets. This idea of going back in time to change the future doesn't seem to fancy us. Sure, there have been times where we've wondered how situations could have gone differently or wished that we could fix our past mistakes. We aren't perfect, but we would never change our past to fix our future. We believe that everything happens for a reason and we couldn't imagine exchanging our life today for some other one. Someone once said that "You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it," so here's a little pearl of wisdom: enjoy where you are.

But we digress (we tend to do this a lot, so bear with us). So why did we mention time traveling if we don't see it as a way to change our future? Well, we happen to see time traveling as a way to relive moments. Of course we will always have our memories, but even those tend to fade and it's never the same as actually "being there." If we could time travel, we would use it to go back and relive moments that have had huge impacts on our life. We could care less about what we were wearing or the things surrounding us at any moment- we are most concerned about the way those moments made us feel and the people we shared them with. For the second time, wouldn't it be amazing to feel that sense of accomplishment you felt when you finished your first marathon or relive those moments with your best friend that made you laugh so hard that you couldn't breathe? Time traveling would give you the chance to re-experience all these moments...unfortunately, no one has found a way to go back in time. If you know someone who has, please let us know. We'd love to meet them.

In the mean time, we've been thinking of ways to keep our memories from fading away- ways to collect moments. It would be so convenient to just have a magical jar where we could pull out a moment and relive it, but let's be honest here...that's simply beyond our capabilities. For now, we're just going to collect our moments in our own tangible way. Since this is our senior year and we'll be off to college soon, we have begun to compile a box of memories. In this box, we have pictures, receipts from coffee runs, quotes, and other little trinkets- like our first J. Crew price tag and a flash drive in which we've put videos and emails we thought were highly amusing. Ten years from now, we want to be able to remember the "good old days" and relive the moments that gave us feelings we can't even begin to describe. Luckily for us, this simple cardboard box happens to be our secret in collecting moments- it's our little own time travel machine.

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away."

Yours truly,
Kylie and Catherine

***Song of the Week: Your Song by Elton John

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