Friday, November 23, 2012


Dear Friend,

Going to see a movie should not be difficult. You drive to the movie theater, buy your ticket (or buy it online), get some popcorn (or smuggle snacks in), and find your seat. It's not rocket science...right? Well, this isn't exactly true for the Kuos when they try and meet the Aberles for a movie night...

7:10 p.m. Issaquah Theaters. Skyfall. This was the plan. Catherine and her dad were on the way to the theaters- forty minutes early to be exact. It was pouring rain and they noticed a long line at the ticket counter. Fortunately, nothing seemed to be sold out...yet. The couple in front of Catherine and her dad happened to take the last two tickets to the latest James Bond movie, Skyfall. Kylie and her moms were already in the this was quite the ruh roh. Unfortunately, Catherine and her Dad were forced to leave and find another place to watch the movie. They ended up seeing the 7:15 showing at the Crossroads theater. So...long story short- Kylie and Catherine saw Skyfall...just not in the same theater and five minutes apart. 

As we were discussing the movie after it had finished, we asked ourselves the question, "What if our lives were James Bond movies?" So in our first attempt to transform our lives into an action movie, we decided to start calling people using only one letter...just like the "M" character in Skyfall. For example, Kylie and Catherine would be "K and C." Then, we thought of digging an underground escape tunnel beneath our campus minister's office...just in case- although, that may be too much. However, as we kept talking about this, we realized that our night was already filled with action. All we wanted to do was watch a movie, but instead, we experienced our own adventure by simply forgetting to buy tickets online. 

Adventures can come in all shapes and sizes. They can be planned or unplanned, simple or not simple. Most of the time, when we think of adventures, we think "Batman" or "Harry Potter." However, in reality, some of the best adventures are found in our daily errands such as trying to find parking at Costco. The other day, Catherine experienced her own little adventure in the mall. She was walking pass J. Crew and for some reason, she decided to check the store out (which we don't do that often). Oddly enough, J. Crew was having a little sale going on- 25% off everything. Fantastic, right? As Catherine looked around, she bumped into someone she knew- surprise! You see? You'll never know what (or who) you'll find at J. Crew. However, the main point here is that adventures are good for you. They can lead you to new discoveries and lift you up. It's not always a bad thing if your heart beats a little bit faster.

As you can see, we like to go on all sorts of adventures. So here's a challenge for you: try and find adventures in everything you do. Whether they are big or small, you don't have to be James Bond to experience one. 

"It is only in adventure that some people succeed in knowing themselves- in finding themselves."- Andre Gide

Yours truly,
Kylie and Catherine

PS. We are happy to announce that we made our very first purchase at J. Crew on Black Friday. :) 

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