Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Kylie and Catherine: Elections 2032

Dear Friend,

To run for president of the United States of America, one must be 35 years old. Conveniently, this will be true of both of us during the 2032 elections. We're all about thinking ahead, so we're here to announce to you today that we, Kylie and Catherine, are running for president in the 2032 elections.

We realize that this is a very big decision, but we think we are ready for the job. We won't choose a vice president since we're in it together, so we'll be a packaged deal for both government roles. We think we can handle it. Hopefully by 2032 we'll be famous bloggers, which will get us the popular vote...or at least the electoral college vote.

The way the electoral college works, we could win 23% of the popular vote and still over 270 electoral college votes. Although many people believe that the electoral votes are evenly distributed to states based on population, this is not in fact the case. The electoral college takes votes from big states and gives them to smaller states. The electoral college pretends that more people live where they don't, and less people live where they do. Hence why we can come put victorious, regardless of the fact that 77% of America vote against us...YOLO.

As we continue to discuss our campaign strategies, we will give you updates on our journey to the White House. For now we just wanted to let you know this exciting news as it is a very big deal in our life. Congratulations to Barack Obama for winning a second term. If we don't say so ourselves, he ROCKED his speech and we couldn't be happier about the results. Whether you were for or against a second term, we are all in this together, like Obama's first tweet said after being reelected.

2032: Dear Friend, we're running for YOU.

Yours truly,
Kylie and Catherine

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