Friday, November 9, 2012

Early Mornings

Dear Friend,

What do your morning routines consist of? After you wake up, you probably roll out of bed, change into the day's clothes, brush your teeth, and have some breakfast- or something like that. But have you ever really thought of that moment when you open your eyes from deep sleep...that moment when you first wake up? This moment doesn't mean much to people, but for us, it's one of those little things in life that make us happy. Of course we've wondered about "night thoughts"- where do we "go" when we sleep? Some of us experience some crazy dreams where others just black out. But we digress..."night thoughts" is a totally different post. For now, we are just going to try and make sense of early mornings.

So what makes early mornings so special? Well, when we first wake up, it seems as if our minds are full of absolutely nothing...if that makes sense. If you don't understand this, try thinking of your mind as a computer. At night, you shut down. This means that your mind is simply focusing on resting for the next day. However, in the mornings, you turn  on your computer and wait for it to "boot up." Entering your password and logging on gives you the "a-okay" to start the day. This is how our mind functions in the morning, but we are most concerned about the period where our minds are "booting up." Clearly, we are awake- the computer is on. However, we have no access to actual documents on the computer because we haven't logged in yet. Thus, minds are blank. We call this "the moment of bliss." This time is not very long, but it is crucial when starting your day. This is a time where you can just lay in bed without having to worry over your problems. The two of us often have a lot of things on our mind. For example, we are in the midst of the college process...I think that's all we really have to keep this short, we are very busy. But we digress. We love early mornings because we just don't have to think about things like college. When these moments of bliss end, it is a bit of a bummer. But you should be thankful you got to wake up in the first place!

I love early mornings when it feels like the rest of the world is asleep and you're the only one who's awake and everything feels like it isn't really real and you kind of forget about all your problems because for now it's just you, the world, and the sunrise. 

Yours truly,
Kylie and Catherine

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