Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Here's to 2013

Dear Friend,

We're back! We hope everyone had a safe and exciting New Year's Eve...it's finally 2013. The two of us have been looking forward to this year, as it is our graduation year. We know a lot is in store for us this year- finishing up our last five months at our beloved school (Home 2.0), HS graduation, and beginning college. However, we're just taking one day at a time and we've come up with a list of resolutions/goals we look forward aspiring to throughout this year. Hey, a new year means new beginnings, right?

New Year's Resolution- 2013

1. Eat three healthy meals a day
2. Read all of Jane Austen's books
3. Keep up with our blog
4. Make the last few months of HS memorable and enjoy college
5. Avoid amnesia
6. Live with grace
7. Get more sleep
8. Go into every room on our HS campus
9. Make new friends
10. Don't take things for granted and always be grateful
11. Get in shape (for canyoneering)
12. Find what role God has in our lives
13. Maintain our solid friendship

Here's to a wonderful 2013!

"Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right."- Oprah Winfrey

Yours truly,
Kylie and Catherine

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