Saturday, October 27, 2012

13 Things to Start and Stop Doing

Dear Friend,

Has that pesky little voice in your head ever said "Oh, I'll do that tomorrow" or "This is the last time...for real...". We all put things off, and we all continue to do things that we know we shouldn't. Newsflash: tomorrow is always coming, but will never get here. As soon as it does, it's already today, and we are already making more excuses. Below is a list of 13 things that you should start doing TODAY, and 13 things that you have to stop.

13 things to STOP doing
1. Stop being afraid to make mistakes
2. Stop telling yourself that you aren't good enough
3. Stop spending time with people who aren't good for you
4. Stop comparing yourself to others
5. Stop dressing to impress others
6. Stop trying to make other people be like you
7. Stop judging people before you get to know then
8. Stop regretting things you cannot change
9. Stop acting like the victim and being a martyr
10. Stop putting off difficult conversations
11. Stop making promises that you can't keep
12. Stop rushing through your day
13. Stop having unrealistic expectations of yourself

13 things to START doing
1. Start saying "I love you" more often
2. Start going on long walks
3. Start telling others how much they mean to you
4. Start giving people second chances
5. Start drinking more tea
6. Start reading before you go to bed
7. Start asking for help and advice
8. Start being the person that your dog thinks you are
9. Start thinking more positive thoughts
10. Start trusting yourself
11. Start going to bed earlier
12. Start forgiving those who used to be important to you
13. Start taking more risks

If you start/stop doing these 26 things, your life will improve. We guarantee it :) Don't put them off until tomorrow though, or they will never happen.

"Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words. Keep your words positive because your words become your behavior. Keep your behavior positive because your behavior becomes your habits. Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values. Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny." -Mahatma Gandhi

Yours truly,
Kylie and Catherine

1 comment:

  1. Hey KA--how about we start with number 11...going to bed earlier:). Great post!
