Friday, October 12, 2012


Dear Friend,

Did you know that over 500 billion cups of coffee are consumed each year? Now that's a lot of coffee. Coffee has been integrated into many people's lives, including ours. To us, coffee is one of those little things that brings us a great amount of joy.

Coffee is one of the ways we start friendships. It's not like we're trying to get on the "good side" of people, we just think that bringing them coffee is a random act of kindness. In fact, we have a tradition called "Coffee Thursday." On the first Thursday of every month, we like to bring a few friends a cup of coffee. It's our way of showing someone how much we appreciate them in our lives.

We're actually becoming pros at ordering coffee. To be honest, our first ever Coffee Thursday was a bit of a disaster. We were buying coffee for seven people or so and we had no clue what we were doing. We had a disorganized list of orders we've never heard before, and we didn't know what sizes to get or how much half and half to add. As coffee spilled left and right, we frantically searched for the people we bought coffee for while having a bit of a breakdown because we couldn't find them anywhere. Although this could be defined as a coffee ruh roh, we managed to give our friends their drinks and get to class on time. But nowadays, we know how to order coffee in the most efficient way possible. We have come to realize that coffee cup stoppers are prime in preventing spills. Who knew coffee runs could be so complicated? The baristas at the local Starbucks we go to often give us the "Oh, it's you two again..." look and automatically assume we have a list of orders. Nevertheless, they are happy to see us every once in a while. We think it's safe to also call them our friends :)

Since we've started the "Coffee Thursday" tradition, we've been exposed to quite a lot of coffee orders. Some of them are as simple as an Americano while others are super convoluted like an extra hot decaf soy chai tea latte with just 2 1/2 pumps of chai. There are a lot of great coffee orders out there and we recommend you try the following:

-Simple black drip coffee with half and half
-Hazelnut Americanos
-Vanilla Lattes
-Tazo chai tea lattes
-Pumpkin spice lattes (perfect for fall!)

Let us know what your coffee order is! You never know, it may be one we've never heard before.

Got coffee? 

Yours truly,
Kylie and Catherine

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