Monday, October 22, 2012

A Swift Post

Dear Friend,

So guess what. The new Taylor Swift album came out at 10:00 PM yesterday night. Naturally, the two of us were planning on staying up until midnight to buy it on iTunes but we forgot about time differences, so we got it two hours early. We basically have the album on repeat because it is SO GOOD. All of the songs are unique, and fun, and sad, and amazing. If you aren't a big T-Swift fan, that's your loss. She is a goddess. Some of our favorite songs on her new album are I Almost Do, Stay Stay Stay, and Treacherous.

The title of the post was a pun. We are sorry that this isn't a long, well thought out, deep, or particularly funny post, but we have a large biology test coming up, and priorities call. If we don't study, we might fail biology, which would crush our GPA, which would cause us to not get into college, which would make us homeless, and then we would starve and eventually die, thus not being able to continue the blog (THAT escalated quickly.)

As you can see, we're studying for you, friend. We promise to post a long and thoughtful post tomorrow once life settles down a bit. So you can look forward to a little bit of enlightenment :)

"I bet you're sitting in your chair by the window, looking out at the city and I hope sometimes you wonder about me" -Taylor Swift, I Almost Do

Yours truly,
Kylie and Catherine

1 comment:

  1. I love her new album too! One of my favorites is "I Knew You Were Trouble". I love it!
